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Welcome to the Taloustutka API! You can use our API to access Taloustutka API endpoints, which provide various information of Finnish companies from our database.


To authorize, use this code:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

Make sure to replace abcDEF!?@123456 with your API key.

Taloustutka uses API keys to validate access to the API. You can get your own Taloustutka API key by contacting our sales.

Taloustutka API expects the API key to be included in all API requests to the server. The API key must be included in a header that looks like the following:

x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456

Company Information

Company Basic Info

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "businessId": "1234567-8",
  "name": "Company Oy",
  "domicile": "Helsinki",
  "location": "00100 Helsinki",
  "type": "OY",
  "mainIndustryCode": "A",
  "industrySectorCode": "01440",
  "companyStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "primaryPhoneNumber": "0401234567",
  "primaryWebAddress": "",
  "primaryEmail": "",
  "reliablePartnerStatus": "OK",
  "tradeNames": [
    "Finnish Company",
    "Company Max"
  "registers": [
  "addresses": [
      "addressType": "POSTAL_ADDRESS",
      "streetAddress": "Isotie 1b",
      "postalCode": "00100",
      "postOffice": "Helsinki"
      "addressType": "VISITATION_ADDRESS",
      "streetAddress": "Helsinkitie 2",
      "postalCode": "00100",
      "postOffice": "Helsinki"
      "addressType": "ADDITIONAL_LOCATION",
      "streetAddress": "Tamperetie 3a",
      "postalCode": "33100",
      "postOffice": "Tampere"

This endpoint is used to retrieve the basic information of a single company.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
name Name of the company.
domicile Domicile of the company.
location Postal code and county of the company location. Or just one of them if the other is unknown.
type Type of the company. Possible values: OY (limited company), OYJ (public limited company), YEH (private trader), KY (limited partnership), AOY (housing company), KVY (mutual insurance company), OK (cooperative), SL (branch), AY (general partnership).
mainIndustryCode Code which indicates the primary business line of the company. See Industry in Codes to get more information about the code.
industrySectorCode Specific sector of the industry of the company. See Industry in Codes to get more information about the code.
companyStatus Status of the company. Possible values: ACTIVE, BUSINESS_ENDED, BANKRUPT, HALTED, LIQUIDATION, DEPT_RESTRUCTURING.
primaryPhoneNumber Official phone number of the company.
primaryWebAddress Website of the company.
primaryEmail Email of the company.
reliablePartnerStatus Status code indicating the Reliable Partner status. See Reliable Partner in Codes to get more information about the code.
tradeNames Auxiliary and parallel names of the company.
registers List of registers that the company is included in. Registers included: Työnantajarekisteri, Kaupparekisteri, Ennakkoperintärekisteri.
addresses List of addresses associated with the company.
addressType Type of address. Possible values: VISITATION_ADDRESS, POSTAL_ADDRESS, ADDITIONAL_LOCATION.
streetAddress Name of the street and the house number.
postalCode Postal code of the address.
postOffice Post office/city of the address.

Company Financial Statements

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "fiscalPeriodStartDate": "2018-12-31",
    "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2019-01-01",
    "personnelCount": 7,
    "profitAndLoss": {
      "profitOfTheFinancialYear": 393845.34,
      "revenue": 751924.36
    "assets": {
      "assetsTotal": 375530.62,
      "currentAssets": 225825.36,
      "nonCurrentAssets":  149705.26
    "liabilities": {
      "capitalAndReserves": 328398.36,
      "creditors": 47132.26,
      "liabilitiesTotal": 375530.62
    "fiscalPeriodStartDate": "2017-12-31",
    "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2018-01-01",
    "estimatedPersonnelCount": 5,
    "profitAndLoss": {
      "profitOfTheFinancialYear": 209256.01,
      "revenue": 526926.50
    "assets": {
      "assetsTotal": 250000.00,
      "currentAssets": 159626.18,
      "nonCurrentAssets": 90373.82
    "liabilities": {
      "capitalAndReserves": 197302.80,
      "creditors": 52697.20,
      "liabilitiesTotal": 250000.00

Retrieves the financial statements data of a company.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
maxCount The maximum amount of fiscal periods to retrieve financial statements data from. Always retrieves the newest statements.

Response Values

Value name Description
fiscalPeriodStartDate Start date of the fiscal period.
fiscalPeriodEndDate End date of the fiscal period.
personnelCount Amount of personnel working for the company, often declared in the financial statement.
estimatedPersonnelCount Estimate of the personnel count, if the personnel count is not declared in the financial statement. Based on the amount of work estimate for the fiscal period.
profitAndLoss Profit and loss numbers from the financial statement.
assets Assets numbers from the financial statement.
liabilities Liabilities numbers from the financial statement.

Complete list of available financial statement number field values, and their Finnish/Swedish counterparts in original financial statements submitted by the company can be found here.

Company Rating

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "rating": 85.99,
  "taloustutkaStars": 4.5,
  "creditLimit": 43450.93

Retrieves Taloustutka's company rating and suggested credit limit of a company.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
rating Rating score of the company from 0 to 100 (the higher, the better).
taloustutkaStars Stars given to the company based on its performance from 0 to 5, using increments of 0.5.
creditLimit Suggested credit limit of the company in euros, based on its performance during the fiscal period.

For details on how rating and stars are calculated, read the complete documentation of rating (in Finnish).

Company Key Figures

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "fiscalPeriodStartDate": "2018-01-31",
    "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2019-01-30",
    "accountsPayableTurnover": 4.33,
    "capitalInvested": 101487.79,
    "capitalTurnoverRatio": 246.52,
    "currentRatio": 2.07,
    "debtToIncomeRatio": 20.79,
    "equityRatio": 60.82,
    "grossProfit": 4.81,
    "grossProfitPercentage": 543136.57,
    "incomeBeforeExtraordinaryItems": 100,
    "incomeBeforeExtraordinaryItemsPercentage": 71877.13,
    "inventoriesTurnoverRate": 13.23,
    "invoicing": 546176.69,
    "liabilitiesPaybackPeriod": 27.82,
    "netFinancialExpensesToEbitdaRatio": 0,
    "netFinancialExpensesToSalesPercentage": 0.1,
    "netGearing": 0.02,
    "netProfit": -152.3,
    "netProfitPercentage": 71877.13,
    "netWorkingCapital": 13.23,
    "netWorkingCapitalPercentage": 121272.35,
    "ebitdaPercentage": 16.68,
    "ebitda": 90612.79,
    "operatingProfitGrowthPercentage": 174.66,
    "operatingProfitPercentage": 16.68,
    "overallProfit": 71877.13,
    "overallProfitPercentage": 13.23,
    "quickRatio": 2.07,
    "returnOfAssets": 41.13,
    "returnOnEquity": 84.23,
    "returnOnInvestment": 106.19,
    "revenueGrowthPercentage": 10.02,
    "turnoverOfAccountReceivables": 9.77,
    "valueAdded": 398214.26,
    "valueAddedPercentage": 1.29,
    "valueAddedPerPersonnelExpenses": 73.32,
    "workingCapital": -43452.03,
    "workingCapitalPercentage": -8
    "fiscalPeriodStartDate": "2017-01-31",
    "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2018-01-30",
    "accountsPayableTurnover": 2.55,

Retrieves various pre-calculated key figures featuring the performance of the company.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId The Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
maxCount The maximum amount of fiscal periods to retrieve key figures from. Always retrieves the newest key figures.

Response Values

Value name Description
fiscalPeriodStartDate Start date of the fiscal period, that the key figures are based on.
fiscalPeriodEndDate End date of the fiscal period, that the key figures are based on.

Complete list of available key figure fields, and their names in English/Finnish/Swedish can be found from here.

Company News

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "title": "New product launched!",
    "snippet": "We are launching our new product, the company API.",
    "sourceUrl": "",
    "writeTime": "2020-01-27",
    "language": "EN"
    "title": "Expanding overseas",
    "snippet": "Company Oy is set to expand across Europe this year.",
    "sourceUrl": "",
    "writeTime": "2020-01-26",
    "language": "EN"

Retrieves recent news articles and blog posts featuring a company.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
title Title of the news
snippet Snippet taken from news content.
sourceUrl Url of the original news article.
writeTime Date when the news article was written
language Language of the news article. Possible values: EN, FI.

Corporate Group Relations

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "businessId": "2222222-2",
  "name": "Finland Holdings Oy",
  "groupName": "EUROPE GROUP",
  "foreign": false,
  "parentCompanies": [
      "identifierId": "11111111",
      "name": "Europe Group Holdings",
      "groupName": "EUROPE GROUP",
      "share": 100,
      "foreign": true
  "childCompanies": [
      "businessId": "4444444-4",
      "name": "Helsinki Power",
      "groupName": "EUROPE GROUP",
      "share": 40,
      "foreign": false

Retrieves lists of all direct parent and child relations of the searched company.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Either a businessId of a Finnish company or an identifier id of a foreign company can be used.

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
identifierId Identifier id of of the foreign company to retrieve

Response Values

Value name Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
identifierId Foreign companies are given an identifier id instead of a business id.
name Name of the company.
groupName Name of the corporate group, that the company belongs to.
share Percentage of shares owned in the corporate relation.
foreign Information whether the company is Finnish or foreign.
parentCompanies Companies that own the searched company partially or fully.
childCompanies Companies which the searched company owns partially or fully.

Personnel Information

Person Key

The person key is the person's unique identifier. It can be used to get information about the person in the person information endpoint. It can be acquired from personnel of company requests or from some Tutka requests.

Personnel Of Company

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "businessId" : "1234567-8"
  "companyName" : "Company Oy"
  "rightOfSignatureCode" : "NIMA36"
  "responsiblePeople": [
      "personKey": "-101010101",
      "dateOfBirth": "1972-12-29",
      "firstNames": "John Max",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "nationalityCode": "FI",
      "domicile": "Espoo",
      "roles": [
          "roleCode": "PR",
          "signatureRuleCode": "NIMO01",
          "roleStartDate": "2011-06-15"
          "roleCode": "PJ",
          "roleStartDate": "2011-06-15"
          "roleCode": "TJS",
          "roleStartDate": "2011-06-15"
      "personKey": "202020202",
      "dateOfBirth": "1962-10-03",
      "firstNames": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "nationalityCode": "FI",
      "domicile": "Espoo",
      "roles": [
          "roleCode": "TJ",
          "roleStartDate": "2010-01-31"

Retrieves all known key personnel of the company.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
companyName Name of the company.
rightOfSignatureCode The company's right of the signature code. See Right Of Signature in Codes to get information about code.
responsiblePeople List of the personnel associated to the company.
personKey PersonKey of the person.
dateOfBirth Birth date of the person.
firstNames All first names of the person.
lastName Last name of the person.
nationalityCode Nationality of the person. See Nationality in Codes to get information about code.
domicile Domicile of the person.
roles List of roles, that the person has in the company.
roleCode Code of the role. See Company-Role in Codes to get information about code.
signatureRuleCode If the role in the company is procuration holder (roleCode PR), the signature rule code is included in the data. See Signature-Rule in Codes to get information about code.
roleStartDate Date of when the person started in this role.

Person Information

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "personKey": "-101010101",
  "dateOfBirth": "1972-12-29",
  "firstNames": "John Max",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "nationalityCode": "FI",
  "domicile": "Espoo",
  "companyRelations": [
      "businessId": "8765432-1",
      "companyName": "Smith Productions",
      "rolesInCompany": [
          "roleCode": "ELI",
          "roleStartDate": "2005-05-11"
      "businessId": "1234567-8",
      "companyName": "Company Oy",
      "rightOfSignatureCode": "NIMA36"
      "rolesInCompany": [
          "roleCode": "TJS",
          "roleStartDate": "2011-06-15"
          "roleCode": "PR",
          "signatureRuleCode": "NIMO01",
          "roleStartDate": "2011-06-15"
          "roleCode": "PJ",
          "roleStartDate": "2011-06-15"
      "businessId": "1122334-5",
      "companyName": "Helsinki Productions Oy",
      "rightOfSignatureCode": "NIMA36"
      "rolesInCompany": [
          "roleCode": "J",
          "roleStartDate": "2008-03-03"
          "roleCode": "TJ",
          "roleStartDate": "2008-03-03"

Retrieves person information and company relations by person key.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
personKey personKey of the person to retrieve

Response Values

Value name Description
personKey PersonKey of the person.
dateOfBirth Birth date of the person.
firstNames All first names of the person.
lastName Last name of the person.
nationalityCode Nationality of the person. See Nationality in Codes to get information about code.
domicile Domicile of the person.
companyRelations List of companies that the person has a role in.
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
companyName Name of the company.
rightOfSignatureCode The company's right of signature code. See Right Of Signature in Codes, to get information about code.
rolesInCompany List of roles that the person has in the company.
roleCode Code of the role. See Company-Role in Codes, to get information about code.
signatureRuleCode If the role in the company is procuration holder (roleCode PR), the signature rule code is included in the data. See Signature-Rule in Codes, to get information about code.
roleStartDate Date of when the person started in this role.


Recent Changes

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "typeCategory": "NEWS_DATA",
    "changeDate": "2020-01-15"
    "typeCategory": "FINANCIAL_STATEMENT",
    "changeDate": "2019-03-28"
    "typeCategory": "REGISTER",
    "changeDate": "2019-06-18"
    "typeCategory": "PERSONNEL",
    "changeDate": "2020-01-10"
    "typeCategory": "RELIABLE_PARTNER",
    "changeDate": "2019-01-01"

Retrieves a list which shows in which categories there have been changes for the company, and the date of when the new data became available.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.

Change data

Each of type categories mentioned above can also be retrieved individually. The Tutka requests below retrieves changes that happened during the past 30 days, with specific data indicating what changes happened in queried company.


curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2019-05-30",
    "data": {
      "roleCode": "TJ",
      "changeType": "REMOVE",
      "personKey": "-101010101"
    "changeDate": "2019-05-30",
    "data": {
      "roleCode": "J",
      "changeType": "REMOVE",
      "personKey": "-202020202"
    "changeDate": "2019-05-30",
    "data": {
      "roleCode": "E",
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "personKey": "101010101"
    "changeDate": "2019-05-30",
    "data": {
      "roleCode": "PR",
      "signatureRuleCode": "NIMO01",
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "personKey": "202020202"

Retrieves changes in company's personnel.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
roleCode Code of the role. See Company-Role in Codes to get more information about the code.
signatureRuleCode If the role is procuration holder in the company (role code PR), the signature rule code is included in the data. See Signature-Rule in Codes to get more information about the code.
changeType Type of the change. Possible values: NEW, REMOVE.
personKey Person key of the person. See person key to get more information about the code.

Reliable Partner Status

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2019-10-08",
    "data": {
      "statusCode": "Tietoja odotetaan"
    "changeDate": "2019-10-15",
    "data": {
      "statusCode": "Ok"

Retrieves changes in the status of the 'Luotettava kumppani'-certificate.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
statusCode Reliable Partner status code. See Reliable Partner in Codes to get more information about the code.

Web Page Contact

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2020-02-04",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "firstName": "Matt",
      "lastName": "Matson",
      "phoneNumber": "+358407516039",
      "email": "",
      "title": "Designer"
    "changeDate": "2020-02-04",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "UPDATE",
      "firstName": "Jack",
      "lastName": "Jackson",
      "title": "Executive"
    "changeDate": "2020-02-04",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "UPDATE",
      "firstName": "Ann",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "title": "Executive"
    "changeDate": "2020-02-04",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "email": ""

Retrieves changes in contacts found from the specified company's website.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
changeType Type of the change. Possible values: NEW, REMOVE, UPDATE.
firstName First name of the contact.
lastName Last name of the contact.
phoneNumber Phone number of the contact.
email Email of the contact.
title Work title of the contact.


curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2020-01-27",
    "data": {
      "title": "New product launched!",
      "url": ""
    "changeDate": "2020-01-26",
    "data": {
      "title": "Expanding overseas",
      "url": ""

Retrieves notices about articles, that were posted on the company's website. Also retrieves notices about articles that relate to the company and were posted on a major Finnish news publication.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
title Title of news
url Url of the original news article.


curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2019-02-05",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "registerType": "Kaupparekisteri"
    "changeDate": "2019-08-05",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "REMOVE",
      "registerType": "Kaupparekisteri"
    "changeDate": "2020-02-05",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "REMOVE",
      "registerType": "Ennakkoperintärekisteri"

Retrieves changes on the company's status in registers.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
changeType Type of the change. Possible values: NEW, REMOVE. Indicates whether company was added or removed from the register in the change.
registerType Specific register that the change is related to. Possible values: Ennakkoperintärekisteri, Kaupparekisteri, Työnantajarekisteri.

Company Status

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2020-02-04",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "REMOVE",
      "companyStatus": "BANKRUPT"
    "changeDate": "2020-01-28",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "companyStatus": "BANKRUPT"

Retrieves changes in the company's status.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
changeType Type of the change. Possible values: NEW, REMOVE. Indicates was the status added or removed from the company.
companyStatus Status of the company. Possible values: HALTED, BANKRUPT, DEPT_RESTRUCTURING, LIQUIDATION.

Mergers And Demergers

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2019-12-01",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "MERGED_INTO",
      "partial": false,
      "associatedCompanies": [
    "changeDate": "2019-10-01",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "ACQUIRED_FROM_MERGER",
      "partial": false,
      "associatedCompanies": [

Retrieves mergers and demergers that the searched company has been part of.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
partial Indicates whether only a part of a company merged/demerged.
associatedCompanies List of business ids of the companies, that were associated with the searched company in the merger/demerger.

Change Types

Change type Description
MERGED_INTO The searched company merged into an another company or companies. Associated companies list tells which companies the searched company merged into.
DEMERGED_INTO The searched company demerged into an another company or companies. Associated companies list tells which companies the searched company demerged into.
ACQUIRED_FROM_MERGER Some other company or companies merged into the searched company. Associated companies list tells which companies merged into the searched company.
ACQUIRED_FROM_DEMERGER Some other company or companies demerged into the searched company. Associated companies list tells which companies demerged into the searched company.

Financial Statement

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "changeDate": "2019-05-17",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2018-12-31"
    "changeDate": "2019-07-17",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "UPDATE",
      "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2018-12-31"
    "changeDate": "2019-09-17",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "FIX",
      "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2018-12-31"
    "changeDate": "2018-11-17",
    "data": {
      "changeType": "NEW",
      "fiscalPeriodEndDate": "2017-12-31"

Retrieves changes in the availability of financial statements.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.

Response Values

Value name Description
changeDate Date when the new data became available.
data Data object for this endpoint.
changeType Type of the change. Possible values: NEW, UPDATE, FIX.
fiscalPeriodEndDate End of the fiscal period.

Change type descriptions

Change type Description
NEW A new financial statement.
UPDATE Change when company sent an updated version of a financial statement.
FIX Errors in the financial statement values were fixed.


Search Company

Example 1

curl -X POST ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'
  -d '{"parameters": [{"field": "name", "value": "Company"}]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "businessId": "1231231-2",
    "name": "Hotels Company Oyj",
    "location": "33100 Tampere",
    "type": "OYJ",
    "industrySectorCode": "55101",
    "companyStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "tradeNames": [
      "Hotels Group",
    "revenue": 125010.50
    "businessId": "1234567-8",
    "name": "Company Oy",
    "location": "00100 Helsinki",
    "type": "OY",
    "industrySectorCode": "01440",
    "companyStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "tradeNames": [
      "Finnish Company",
      "Company Max"
    "revenue": 75000.00

Example 2

curl -X POST ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'
  -d '{"parameters": [{"field": "status", "value": "ACTIVE"}
   {"field": "location", "values": ["00100", "Kauniainen"]}
   {"field": "industry", "values": ["0144", "02"]}]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "businessId": "1234567-8",
    "name": "Company Oy",
    "location": "00100 Helsinki",
    "type": "OY",
    "industrySectorCode": "01440",
    "companyStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "tradeNames": [
      "Finnish Company",
      "Company Max"
    "revenue": 75000.00
    "businessId": "7654321-8",
    "name": "Kauniainen Corps",
    "location": "02700 Kauniainen",
    "type": "OY",
    "industrySectorCode": "02200",
    "companyStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "revenue": 65550.25

Searches the top 20 companies matching specified search parameters. Results are sorted by revenue.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Company search parameters are defined in JSON in request body.

Parameter name Description
parameters List of parameters used as filters.
field Name of the field the companies will be filtered by. Searchable fields: name, status, location and industry.
value Value of the field companies have to match.
values Multiple values can also be used for some fields. In case of multiple values, finds companies that match any of the values.

Field Descriptions

Field name Description Accepts multiple values
name Finds companies where the company primary name or trade names match with the specified value. false
status Finds companies where the company status is the specified value. Possible values: ACTIVE, BUSINESS_ENDED, BANKRUPT, HALTED, LIQUIDATION, DEPT_RESTRUCTURING true
location Finds companies that are located in the specified value. Values can be either county names, or postal codes. true
industry Finds companies that belong to the specified industry or its child industry. Input value must be the industry code. true

Response Values

Value name Description
businessId Finnish business id (y-tunnus) of the company to retrieve the data from.
name Name of the company
location Postal code and county of the company location. Or just one of them if the other is unknown.
type Type of the company. Possible values: OY (limited company), OYJ (public limited company), YEH (private trader), KY (limited partnership), AOY (housing company), KVY (mutual insurance company), OK (cooperative), SL (branch), AY (general partnership).
industrySectorCode Specific sector of the industry of the company. See Industry in Codes to get information about code.
companyStatus Status of the company. Possible values: ACTIVE, BUSINESS_ENDED, BANKRUPT, HALTED, LIQUIDATION, DEPT_RESTRUCTURING.
tradeNames Auxiliary and parallel names of the company.
revenue Revenue of the company in its previous fiscal period.

Business Environment Data

Industry Medians

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "year": 2017,
  "financialStatementCount": 776,
  "assetsTotal": 98961.77,
  "currentRatio": 2.18,
  "capitalAndReserves": 29456.66,
  "equityRatio": 51.55,
  "incomeBeforeExtraordinaryItemsPercentage": 6.34,
  "netGearing": -23.13,
  "netProfitPercentage": 3.37,
  "netWorkingCapitalPercentage": 24.68,
  "ebitda": 4726.91,
  "profitOfTheFinancialYear": 1578.34,
  "operatingProfit": 2129.65,
  "operatingProfitPercentage": 4.32,
  "operatingProfitGrowthPercentage": 7.35,
  "revenue": 118767.66,
  "revenueGrowthPercentage": -1.78,
  "returnOnInvestment": 7.12,
  "netProfit": 1511.98,
  "ebitdaPercentage": 7.74,
  "averageSalary": 2761.96,
  "staffExpenses": -64321.23

This endpoint is used to retrieve median key figures for the given second or third level industry. Year is a optional parameter. Year defaults to the year that was 20 months ago.

HTTP Request

GET<industryCode>/<year> or


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
industryCode All industry codes with exactly two or three digits; e.g. 01, 32 or 412.
year (Optional) The fiscal end-year for the financial statements that are used to calculate the medians.

Response Values

Value name Description
year The fiscal end-year for the financial statements that are used to calculate the medians.
financialStatementCount Count of the financial statements that were used to calculate the median.

Complete list of response value fields, and their names in Finnish/Swedish, can be found here.

Data Codes


curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "01",
  "parentCode": "A",
  "finnish": "Kasvinviljely ja kotieläintalous, riistatalous ja niihin liittyvät palvelut",
  "english": "Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities",
  "swedish": "Jordbruk och jakt samt service i anslutning härtill"

Retrieves information of the industry by code. Taloustutka uses industry codes defined by Tilastokeskus (TOL 2008). The industry tree can also be found from here.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
industryCode Code of the industry

Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the industry
parentCode Parent industry code of the industry. Top level industries do not have a parent industry.
finnish Finnish name of the industry.
english English name of the industry.
swedish Swedish name of the industry.

All Industries

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "A",
    "finnish": "Maatalous, metsätalous ja kalatalous",
    "code": "01",
    "parentCode": "A",
    "finnish": "Kasvinviljely ja kotieläintalous, riistatalous ja niihin liittyvät palvelut",
    "english": "Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities",
    "swedish": "Jordbruk och jakt samt service i anslutning härtill"
    "code": "011",
    "parentCode": "01",
    "finnish": "Yksivuotisten kasvien viljely",
    "english": "Growing of non-perennial crops",
    "swedish": "Odling av ett- och tvååriga växter"
    "code": "0111",
    "parentCode": "011",
    "finnish": "Viljakasvien (pl. riisin), palkokasvien ja öljysiemenkasvien viljely",
    "english": "Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds",
    "swedish": "Odling av spannmål (utom ris), baljväxter och oljeväxter"

Leaving the industry code unspecified, gives a list of all industry code explanations (~1800 different codes).

HTTP Request


Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the industry
parentCode Parent industry code of this industry. Top level industries do not have a parent industry.
finnish Finnish name of the industry.
english English name of the industry.
swedish Swedish name of the industry.

Company Role

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "TJ",
  "finnish": "Toimitusjohtaja",
  "english": "Managing Director",
  "swedish": "Verkställande direktör"

Retrieves code explanation of a company role by code.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
roleCode Code of the industry

Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the company role
finnish Finnish name of the company role.
english English name of the company role.
swedish Swedish name of the company role.

All Company Roles

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "YHMÄ",
    "finnish": "Äänetön yhtiömies",
    "english": "Silent partner",
    "swedish": "Tysta bolagsman"
    "code": "VPJ",
    "finnish": "Varapuheenjohtaja",
    "english": "Vice-chairperson",
    "swedish": "Vice ordförande"
    "code": "PJ",
    "finnish": "Puheenjohtaja",
    "english": "Chairperson",
    "swedish": "Ordförande"

Leaving the company role code unspecified, gives a list of all company role code explanations (~30 different codes).

HTTP Request


Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the company role
finnish Finnish name of the company role.
english English name of the company role.
swedish Swedish name of the company role.


curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "FI",
  "finnish": "Suomen kansalainen",
  "english": "Citizen of Finland",
  "swedish": "finsk medborgare"

Retrieves code explanation of a nationality by code.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
nationalityCode Code of the nationality

Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the nationality
finnish Finnish name of the nationality.
english English name of the nationality.
swedish Swedish name of the nationality.

All Nationalities

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "AI",
    "finnish": "Anguillan kansalainen",
    "english": "Citizen of Anguilla",
    "swedish": "Anguillas medborgare"
    "code": "PR",
    "finnish": "Puerto Ricon kansalainen",
    "english": "Citizen of Puerto Rico",
    "swedish": "puertoricansk medborgare"
    "code": "PT",
    "finnish": "Portugalin kansalainen",
    "english": "Citizen of Portugal",
    "swedish": "portugisisk medborgare"

Leaving the nationality code unspecified, gives a list of all nationality code explanations (~250 different codes).

HTTP Request


Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the nationality
finnish Finnish name of the nationality.
english English name of the nationality.
swedish Swedish name of the nationality.

Signature Rule

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "NIMO01",
  "finnish": "Oikeutetut edustavat yhtiötä kukin yksin.",
  "english": "Representation by the persons authorised thereto as follows: on his or her own.",
  "swedish": "De berättigade företräder bolaget var för sig ensam."

Retrieves code explanation of a signature rule by code. The signature rule explains how does the signature of the person legally represent the company. Read more about the signature rule from here.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
signatureRuleCode Code of the signature rule.

Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the signature rule.
finnish Finnish explanation of the signature rule.
english English explanation of the signature rule.
swedish Swedish explanation of the signature rule.

All Signature Rules

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "NIMP15",
    "finnish": "Prokuristit edustavat yhtiötä kaksi yhdessä tai kukin erikseen yhdessä hallituksen jäsenen tai isännöitsijän kanssa.",
    "english": "Representation by the holders of a procuration as follows: by two jointly, or by any of them jointly with any Board member or the House Manager.",
    "swedish": "Prokuristerna företräder bolaget två gemensamt eller var för sig gemensamt med en styrelsemedlem eller disponenten."
    "code": "NIMO39",
    "finnish": "Oikeutetut edustavat yhtiötä kaksi yhdessä tai kukin erikseen yhdessä hallituksen jäsenen, varajäsenen, toimitusjohtajan tai toimitusjohtajan sijaisen kanssa. ",
    "english": "Any two of the persons authorised thereto represent the company jointly, or each individually together with a member of the board of directors, a deputy member, the managing director, or the substitute for the managing director.",
    "swedish": "De berättigade företräder bolaget två tillsammans eller var för sig tillsammans med en styrelseledamot, en ersättare för en styrelseledamot, verkställande direktören eller ställföreträdaren för verkställande direktören. "

Leaving the signature rule code unspecified, gives a list of all signature rule code explanations (~80 different codes).

HTTP Request


Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the signature rule.
finnish Finnish explanation of the signature rule.
english English explanation of the signature rule.
swedish Swedish explanation of the signature rule.

Right Of Signature

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "NIMA36",
  "finnish": "Hallituksen jäsen yhdessä hallituksen puheenjohtajan tai toimitusjohtajan kanssa",
  "english": "By any Board member jointly with the Chair of the Board or the Managing Director",
  "swedish": "Styrelsens ordförande och styrelsemedlem gemensamt eller verkställande direktören och styrelsemedlem gemensamt"

Retrieves code explanation of a right of signature by code. The right of signature explains how do the signatures of the board members of the company legally represent the company. Read more about the right of signature from here.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
rightOfSignatureCode Code of the company right of signature.

Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the right of signature.
finnish Finnish explanation of the right of signature.
english English explanation of the right of signature.
swedish Swedish explanation of the right of signature.

All Right Of Signatures

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "NIMA40",
    "finnish": "Toimitusjohtaja ja hallituksen jäsen yhdessä, hallituksen puheenjohtaja ja hallituksen jäsen yhdessä tai hallituksen jäsenet kaksi yhdessä",
    "english": "The Managing Director and a member of the Board jointly, the Chairperson of the Board and a Board member jointly or any two Board members jointly",
    "swedish": "Verkställande direktören och en styrelseledamot tillsammans, styrelsens ordförande och en styrelseledamot tillsammans eller två styrelseledamöter tillsammans"
    "code": "NIMA43",
    "finnish": "Toimitusjohtaja ja hallituksen puheenjohtaja yhdessä, toimitusjohtaja ja hallituksen jäsen yhdessä tai hallituksen puheenjohtaja ja hallituksen jäsen yhdessä",
    "english": "The Managing Director and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors jointly, the Managing Director and a Board member jointly or the Chairperson of the Board and a Board member jointly",
    "swedish": "Verkställande direktören och styrelsens ordförande tillsammans, verkställande direktören och en styrelseledamot tillsammans eller styrelsens ordförande och en styrelseledamot tillsammans"

Leaving the right of signature code unspecified, gives a list of all right of signature code explanations (~70 different codes).

HTTP Request


Value name Description
code Code of the right of signature.
finnish Finnish explanation of the right of signature.
english English explanation of the right of signature.
swedish Swedish explanation of the right of signature.

Reliable Partner

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "OK",
  "finnish": "Tietolähteiden perusteella yritys on hoitanut tilaajavastuulain edellyttämät velvoitteet.",
  "english": "According to the information sources, the company has met the obligations of the Contractor's Liability Act.",
  "swedish": "Enligt informationskällorna har företaget skött sina förpliktelser enligt beställaransvarslagen."

Retrieves code explanation of a Reliable Partner status by code. Read more about Reliable Partner from here.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
reliablePartnerCode Code of the Reliable Partner status

Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the Reliable Partner status.
finnish Finnish explanation of the Reliable Partner status.
english English explanation of the Reliable Partner status.
swedish Swedish explanation of the Reliable Partner status.

All Reliable Partner Codes

curl ""
  -H 'x-api-key: abcDEF!?@123456'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "STOP",
    "finnish": "Tietolähteiden perusteella yrityksen tilaajavastuutiedot eivät ole kunnossa!",
    "english": "According to the information sources the company's information is not okay!",
    "swedish": "Enligt informationskällorna är företagets uppgifter inte i skick!"
    "code": "OK",
    "finnish": "Tietolähteiden perusteella yritys on hoitanut tilaajavastuulain edellyttämät velvoitteet.",
    "english": "According to the information sources, the company has met the obligations of the Contractor's Liability Act.",
    "swedish": "Enligt informationskällorna har företaget skött sina förpliktelser enligt beställaransvarslagen."

Leaving the Reliable Partner code unspecified, gives a list of all Reliable Partner code explanations (5 different codes).

HTTP Request


Response Values

Value name Description
code Code of the Reliable Partner status.
finnish Finnish explanation of the Reliable Partner status.
english English explanation of the Reliable Partner status.
swedish Swedish explanation of the Reliable Partner status.

HTTP Status Codes

Taloustutka API uses the following HTTP response status codes:

Status Code Meaning
200 OK -- Valid request, and data was found.
204 No Content -- Valid request, but no data was found for query.
301 Moved Permanently -- Moved permanently. Check if there is a trailing slash.
400 Bad Request -- The request is invalid. Invalid query parameter format.
401 Unauthorized -- No api key entered.
403 Forbidden -- The api endpoint requested is not available at the user level.
404 Not Found -- No api endpoint for request.
429 Too Many Requests -- Too many requests are made.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

Status codes in the range of 4xx and 5xx have a response body in the format of {"error": "..."} with a message explaining what went wrong.

Api Licenses

Taloustutka API offers 3 different license tiers for its users. The table below shows which queries are available with each license. Note that the Taloustutka API licenses are separate from Taloustutka web service licenses.

Queries Silver Gold Platinum
Company Information ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Personnel Information ✔️ ✔️
Tutka ✔️
Search ❌️ ✔️
Business environment data ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Data Codes ✔️ ✔️ ✔️